Sunday, September 16, 2012

Last photos from our holiday 2012

Cold beer in a cold Malmö

MIdsummer dinner!!! Sun is out... Sweden is beautiful!

Hugo is looking at Ida with admiration...

Cool guy!

I want to taste Prosiluskan!

Out and about in Malmö town

Mr and Mrs Texter. Hope they are not texting each other...

Beautiful church!


Best Italian lunch ever! Beautiful food!!!

You watch them cook your food.

Fresh pasta.

Outside Emilias shop. The SpecSaver Woman.

I wonder who took this photo, cause that person cut off our feet...

Dans beer. All gone.

Some museum with a great playarea!

Dan trying to be funny, help the crocodile ate Lukas hand!

We arrive in Halmstad. Cold and windy. And we are staying at one of the most beautiful beaches in Sweden...

Out walking...

And Lukas is sleeping.

Caught up with Sarah and the kids.

Yummie, strawberries and cream...

Proving impossible to get a good family shot.

This is where we stayed, in a very small house.

Another church...

Ugly fish. Not a Pike though.

Dan buying fish.

Some tired boys and girls...

On the way home to Falun we stopped in Kumla for the night. They are famous for one thing. A maximum security prison... Of course Dan wanted to have a look.

Drove in to town for dinner, and it was our lucky day, they had like a nostalgia evening... Lots of cool cars.

I want this caravan. Wouldnt this be cool Currey family?

And Dan loved the hairstyle!

Back in Falun we arrive at Mirja and Mickes to have a look at their new home!

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