Sunday, July 1, 2012

Our Europe Holiday 2012. Part 1.

Our Holiday can begin...

Packing up the car, got lots of stuff. And a grumpy Hugo.

Waiting at the ferry in Stockholm. Rain is pouring down, not much to do as we are in car queue...

Lukas is quite happy anyway!

The ferry to Riga is massive. Hugo is very excited about being on a big boat. We have buffet dinner pre-ordered, we eat until we have food coming out of our ears.

The cabin on the other hand is very small...

Too small for mums liking. No room to move around. And the beds are from hell, so uncomfortable.

Buffet breakfast, and almost in Riga! Hoping for a better bed tonight...

They also have a playroom on the ferry.

We are in Riga!

After finding our hotel we head to town for a look and something to eat. It is not very warm, and its raining. Lukas is sleeping away. The rest of the family eats nice food.

Off to the supermarket to buy some food, we are surprised to find both booze

and guns for sale. Hmmm... What are we here for again???

We are on the way to Gdansk... Hugo is watching a movie.

Stopped for lunch. Menu is looking promising.

Dan is brave and orders dumplings, something he will long time regret.

He did not look so happy after eating this dish...

Finally in Gdansk after the drive from hell, took us 18 hrs to get there, and we now know that we need a visa to enter Russia.

Gdansk is beautiful! Lukas is happy sleeping.

We find a place that serves breakfast early in the morning, most places are not even open... And what a breakfast. Sausages. And eggs. There is sausages everywhere. Dont think we have had much apart from sausages to eat.

Dan lines up his beers so he will know what he has tasted... Wierd.

Beautiful city, with lots to offer! We want to come back!

Even Lukas is enjoying the beer.

  New restaurant, the food is very good. The adults order seafood, and Hugo a carbonara.

And here is the lovely staff posing outside the restaurant.

More beers. Gee, did you drink all these Dan?

This must have been one of the worst places we stopped at. The food was ok, but there was no veggies!!! I am now feeling like my brain is lacking veggies, I am starved from vitamins...

Well, when you look at the place, what do you expect?? The front did not look as bad... There were flies like nowhere else.

At our next stop. Also this one was very hard to find, and it took us some time of going back and forth, trying to make ourselves understood. Noone speaks english.

Lovely spot, but mainly raining when we are there, and we have to get up early in the morning and head towards Auschwitz.

Grumpy Bum.

At Auschwitz. Very eerie. Very powerful.

Hugo walks down the railway line...

And the italian soccer team is taking photos of our wee boy!

Last stop in Poland before heading into Czech Land. Have to spend out last monies. Which proves hard... We eat and drink, and have some dessert. And buy some drinks to take with us.

More fried food... Yam.

Finally in Rymarov where we are catching up with lovely Ivana, Slava and Klara. A family we got to know in Christchurch. Only spending one night here, but the kids are loving it, someone to play with! Hugo speaks swedish, and Klara speaks Czech, and they are so cute!
They yell and argue, in their own language.

It is Klaras third birthday the day after we arrive, so we get cake for breakfast!

The kids are playing.

Ivana, Slava and Klara in front of their shop.

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