Thursday, October 27, 2011

Örebro trip

Mum takes me to a gymnastics hall once a week, great fun running around!

Dad is very amused by doing these different things to my bro...

Visiting at mums aunties place outside Örebro.

Me feeding the pigs... That auntie Karin reckons are too cute to be eaten!!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Some new photos...

My favourite thing to do... SLEEP!!!

 Big bro had an ear infection....

We had some crazy kiwis visiting, both Lukas and I loved having them here, so much fun! So much attention!

We all had lunch at a place in Romme, Borlange.

Mormor and I.

So tired...

Watching something funny on tv...

What do you mean mum, I did not stick my mouth down that candle!
